Discouragement has been a common theme for the battle we have been facing. From feeling helpless, to feeling as if you want to walk away. Our UMC Heroes have pushed through and been by each other’s side the whole way. We are a family at UMC, so when one of our own security officers, Mac Davis, came down with COVID and was sent to MICU, it hit home. Thankfully after 11 days, Mac was released from MICU and is now back in the UMC halls, and the hospital staff can’t be happier to see him healthy.
Stories like these encourage our UMC Heroes and shed a light on the pandemic. Being the hospital’s epicenter of COVID-19 treatment, MICU has endured this journey with their why in mind: to be a tight knit family of patient advocates, while providing tailored quality patient care.
Thank you UMC Heroes for everything you do! Together we are firm and not fearful.