Support and Resources
We at the UMC Cancer Center know that in order to provide our patients with the very best care, the whole person should be cared for when undergoing cancer treatment. For this reason, we offer Support Services to help you when you need it the most!
Together with the Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, the UMC Cancer Center offers a Licensed Acupuncturist. There are many side effects of cancer and its treatment that research has proven acupuncture to help with.
We know that promoting mental and emotional well-being is just as important as promoting physical. For this reason, all patients and their families have access to our integrated psychosocial support program.
Hope Lodge
The American Cancer Society provides Hope Lodge as a free, temporary home away from home for our out-of-town patients and their spouses/caregivers. We truly believe that after a patient is diagnosed with cancer, they should not be bogged down with the stress of traveling or financially providing for lodging.
Nutritional Support
Cancer treatment can have a major impact on your nutritional needs. If you are a patient at the UMC Cancer Center, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist is on staff and ready to help you maintain proper nutrition during your treatment.
Patient Navigation
We offer multiple patient navigators to assist in coordinating care and navigating your cancer journey. Our patient navigators work closely with patients and families to help with a wide range of needs that may arise.
Supportive Care
Our Supportive Care, or Palliative Care, team goes beyond advanced medical treatments and offers compassionate care to help those facing life-threatening illness cope.